Lorri Weisen - www.lorriweisen.com

You’re Never On The Wrong Path.

Your path is your own and no one else gets to walk it for you.

Movement in our personal growth is just as important as movement in our physical bodies. Just as we walk along a trail, or, in my case this morning — a sea wall surrounding my campground — it unfolds under our feet. 

Sometimes you take a wrong turn and get lost for awhile, but you’re still *always* on a path. Maybe there is something you need to see or learn here? Maybe this new path needed to unfold in order for you to walk into the next phase of your life?  Maybe it was a detour to step in to something you had been wanting but didn’t know how to find? Maybe the others —who judge your choices — are reflecting their own fears on you. Or maybe you are judging yourself too harshly. 

We try so hard to stay on the “right” path — or the path that society thinks we should be on —  that we don’t realize that taking the left turn almost always leads to spiritual, physical and emotional growth. Turning left takes us out of our comfort zone and puts us on the fringe of something new. Something we’ve been wanting.

Every single choice we make in life is based on the fact that we think we will feel better in the having of it. The Universe is always guiding us towards that — towards what we want — and sometimes what we think may have been the wrong path, was, quite possibly, the right one. The secret is knowing this it’s happening while it’s happening. Being present and aware to the unfolding. That’s where the true growth transpires. 

Happy International Walking Day. May your path *not always* be clear 😉

Hello Friend!

I’m Lorri — The Nomadic Health Coach. I’m an Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, writer, nomad, and widow of a three-time cancer hero.

FoIlow along as I travel across the country in my teardrop—sharing my adventures and wellness advice.

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